525 kWh
197 lbs
Note: Neither WattBuy nor its installer partners are affiliated with a utility. Offers from WattBuy’s solar installer partners are not connected to a utility program. If you install solar on your home, you will continue to be responsible for paying a utility bill.
Instalación promedio de paneles solares
$14,379Incentivos federales
Promedio mensual de factura sin energía solar
$90Promedio mensual de factura con energía solar
$0La energía solar se pagará por sí misma en
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The estimated cost to install solar at your house is $14,379. We calculated this because we think your electricity usage for the year is about 6300 kWh, and a 4.52 kW size solar system on your roof would replace 100% of your usage. We are using an estimated cost of $3.18/W, which we get from Energy Sage.
The current electricity costs for Commonwealth Edison are 17¢/kWh. So, by replacing 100% of your usage, you’ll save $1,084 throughout the year. If the costs of electricity stay the same, then your savings will pay for your solar system in 13.26 years. If the costs of Commonwealth Edison electricity rise 3%, then your savings will pay for your solar system in 12.87 years.
Solar installed at your house would generate different amounts of electricity during different months. We estimate that your production would vary from a high of 670 kWh in August, to a low of 360 kWh in December. For the entire year, we estimate that your 4.52 kW sized system would produce 6300 kWh.
You are eligible for a federal tax credit equal to 30% of the cost of your solar system, or $4,314. The state of Illinois generally uses Retail Supply and Delivery Rate for net metering. This means that when you produce more electricity than your house uses, the utility will pay you Retail Supply and Delivery Rate for the extra electricity.
There are 15 solar installers that operate in Illinois. WattBuy recommends RGR Marketing, Modernize, EnergyPal EX, EnergyPal NX, Palmetto, Solar America, EnergySage, and Sunrun.
Con este enfoque basado en datos, hemos creado un modelo de aprendizaje automático que puede estimar el consumo eléctrico y la huella de carbono de todos los hogares de Estados Unidos. A continuación, utilizamos esta información para recomendarle las mejores opciones, para que pueda estar seguro de que WattBuy le recomienda algo realmente personalizado.
Nuestros socios del Laboratorio Nacional de Energías Renovables del Departamento de Energía, así como muchas de las marcas de consumo más importantes del mundo, confían en nuestras estimaciones de electricidad.