(520) 744-2944
The average electricity rate for Trico Electric Cooperative Inc customers is 14.28 cents/kWh.
In 2021, the average Trico Electric Cooperative Inc customer lost electricity one time for a duration of 129 minutes. In total, the average Trico Electric Cooperative Inc customer had their electricity out for about 97 minutes during the whole year.
Residential (APS, TEP,UNS) & Small Commercial (TEP, UNS): Excess generation credited at an ACC-approved rate, phasing down to an avoided cost rate. Current export compensation rates are 10.45 cents/kWh (APS), 8.68 cents/kWh (TEP), and 10.35 cents/kWh (UNS).NEG is carried forward and paid out at the end of the annual period if the credit balance exceeds a certain amount. Non-Residential: Retail rate export compensation. NEG is carried forward and paid out to the customer at the end of the annual period at the avoided cost rate.
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