Dakota Valley Elec Coop Inc Electricity Rates


800-342-4671 or 701-493-2281

Dakota Valley Elec Coop Inc Rates

The average electricity rate for Dakota Valley Elec Coop Inc customers is 10.99 cents/kWh. Dakota Valley Elec Coop Inc has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Controlled Water Heaters - Storage Capacity over 80 Gallons with Sub-meterFixed-3¢
Dual heat - Demand Meters Monthly Discount RateFixed3¢ to 4¢
Dual heat - Multi-phase and consumer-owned generationFixed4¢ to 6¢
Electric Heat - Demand Meters Monthly Discount RateFixed
Irrigation RateFixed
Electric Heat - Single-PhaseFixed
Irrigation Incentive RateFixed
Controlled Grain Drying - Off Season - Subject to Moderate Periods of ControlFixed-1¢
Dual Heat- Submetered.Fixed4¢ to 6¢
Controlled Grain Drying - Off Season - Subject to Extended Periods of ControlFixed-3¢

Dakota Valley Elec Coop Inc Reliability

In 2021, the average Dakota Valley Elec Coop Inc customer lost electricity less than one time for a duration of 254 minutes. In total, the average Dakota Valley Elec Coop Inc customer had their electricity out for about 105 minutes during the whole year.


Reconciled monthly at avoided cost rate*

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