WattBuy’s Guide to

Electricity in
North Dakota

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The State of Electricity in North Dakota

Here's the average monthly bill, usage, and carbon footprint of residents in North Dakota

Average monthly bill

























Carbon Emissions

2,112 lbs CO₂

Monthly Usage

1,691 kWh

Where does North Dakota’s electricity come from?

North Dakota's energy comes from Coal, Wind, Natural Gas, and Hydroelectric. Coal is the largest source of electricity, providing 54% of North Dakota's energy. Wind is the second largest source, making up 35%. Natural Gas provides 6% of the energy in North Dakota. Hydroelectric provides 5% of the energy in North Dakota.






Natural Gas



Solar energy in North Dakota

The state of solar in North Dakota

Solar power is on the rise, helping homeowners save on their electricity bills and power their homes sustainably.

1,095 kWh

Energy generated by average sized system


Average system cost

(after federal incentive)

15 years

Payback period

Learn More about solar
Net Metering Available

Get paid for the extra solar you produce

Net metering policies in North Dakota can help solar panel owners save money and reduce their carbon footprint. When your solar panels generate more electricity than you use, you can send the excess back to the grid and receive credit on your next bill. Just something to keep in mind when considering solar panels.

Utilities in North Dakota

Basin Electric Power CoopBurke-Divide Electric Coop IncCapital Electric Coop, IncCass County Electric Coop IncCavalier Rural Elec Coop, IncCentral Power Elec Coop, IncCity of CavalierCity of GraftonCity of HillsboroCity of HopeCity of LakotaCity of MaddockCity of NorthwoodCity of Park RiverCity of RiverdaleCity of SharonCity of StantonCity of Valley CityDakota Valley Elec Coop IncGoldenwest Electric Coop, IncKEM Electric Coop IncLower Yellowstone R E A, IncMcKenzie Electric Coop IncMcLean Electric Coop, IncMinnkota Power Coop, IncMontana-Dakota Utilities CoMor-Gran-Sou Electric Coop IncMountrail-Williams Elec CoopNodak Electric Coop IncNorth Central Elec Coop, IncNorthern Plains Electric CoopOliver-Mercer Elec Coop IncOtter Tail Power CoRainbow Energy Marketing CorpRoughrider Electric CooperativeSheridan Electric Coop, IncSlope Electric Coop IncSquare Butte Electric CoopTraverse Electric Coop, IncVerendrye Electric Coop IncWest Plains Electric Coop IncXcel Energy - North Dakota

McLean Electric Coop, Inc Rates

McLean Electric Coop, Inc has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential RateFixed10¢

City of Cavalier Rates

City of Cavalier has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
ResidentialFixed7¢ to 8¢

Slope Electric Coop Inc Rates

Slope Electric Coop Inc has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Farm, Residence, School, Church, Township and Community Hall Rate (Single Phase)Fixed6¢ to 9¢
Farm, Residence, School, Church, Township and Community Hall Rate (Three Phase)Fixed6¢ to 9¢

City of Sharon Rates

City of Sharon has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate Type
Electric RateFixed
Off-Peak RateFixed

City of Stanton Rates

City of Stanton has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
ResidentialFixed8¢ to 10¢

City of Maddock Rates

City of Maddock has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential- Dual FuelFixed
Residential- Electric HeatFixed

KEM Electric Coop Inc Rates

KEM Electric Coop Inc has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Sub-metered EH-1 RC-1Fixed5¢ to 8¢
Electric Heat Service -7 MFixed5¢ to 9¢
Electric Heat Service -4MFixed5¢ to 8¢
Storage Water Heater/Air Conditioning-SubmeterFixed
Sub-metered EH-1 SE-1, GS-1Fixed5¢ to 9¢
Farm/Residential ServiceFixed

Mountrail-Williams Elec Coop Rates

Mountrail-Williams Elec Coop has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
General Service - Single phaseFixed7¢ to 8¢
General Service - Single phase City of New TownFixed7¢ to 8¢

Otter Tail Power Co Rates

Otter Tail Power Co has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential ServiceFixed10¢ to 13¢
Farm ServiceFixed9¢ to 12¢

City of Grafton Rates

City of Grafton has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential (Off Peak)Fixed

Capital Electric Coop, Inc Rates

Capital Electric Coop, Inc has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Urban ResidentialFixed

Montana-Dakota Utilities Co Rates

Montana-Dakota Utilities Co has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential Electric Service (Rate 10)Fixed8¢ to 10¢
Optional Residential Electric Thermal Energy Storage Service (Rate 13)TOU6¢ to 13¢
Residential Electric ServiceFixed7¢ to 10¢
Residential Electric - Optional Time of DayTOU7¢ to 12¢
Optional Time of Day Residential Electric Service (Rate 16)TOU8¢ to 12¢
Residential Electric Service (Rate 10)Fixed11¢ to 13¢
Optional Residential Electric Thermal Energy Storage Service (Rate 13)TOU6¢ to 10¢
Optional Time of Day Residential Electric Service (Rate 16)TOU10¢ to 15¢

Sheridan Electric Coop, Inc Rates

Sheridan Electric Coop, Inc has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh

Nodak Electric Coop Inc Rates

Nodak Electric Coop Inc has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
GS Urban-Single Phase Long TermFixed5¢ to 10¢
GS Urban Three Phase Long TermFixed5¢ to 10¢
GS Urban-Single Phase Short TermFixed6¢ to 10¢
GS Urban-Three Phase Short TermFixed6¢ to 10¢

City of Valley City Rates

City of Valley City has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential service rate - Three phaseFixed5¢ to 7¢
Residential service rate - Single PhaseFixed5¢ to 7¢
Residential service rate - second meter if Electric heat.Fixed

Xcel Energy - North Dakota Rates

Xcel Energy - North Dakota has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential Time of Day Service D02 Overhead and D04 UndergroundTOU6¢ to 20¢
Residential Service D01 Overhead and D03 Underground - Electric Space HeatingFixed9¢ to 11¢
Residential Time of Day Service D02 Overhead and D04 Underground - Electric Space HeatingTOU6¢ to 20¢
Residential Service D01 Overhead and D03 UndergroundFixed9¢ to 11¢

City of Northwood Rates

City of Northwood has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
ResidentialFixed8¢ to 8¢

Dakota Valley Elec Coop Inc Rates

Dakota Valley Elec Coop Inc has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Controlled Grain Drying - Off Season - Subject to Moderate Periods of ControlFixed-1¢
Electric Heat - Single-PhaseFixed
Irrigation Incentive RateFixed
Dual heat - Demand Meters Monthly Discount RateFixed3¢ to 4¢
Irrigation RateFixed
Dual Heat- Submetered.Fixed4¢ to 6¢
Dual heat - Multi-phase and consumer-owned generationFixed4¢ to 6¢
Controlled Grain Drying - Off Season - Subject to Extended Periods of ControlFixed-3¢
Electric Heat - Demand Meters Monthly Discount RateFixed
Controlled Water Heaters - Storage Capacity over 80 Gallons with Sub-meterFixed-3¢

Burke-Divide Electric Coop Inc Rates

Burke-Divide Electric Coop Inc has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate Type
EHI Electric Heat - ResidentialTOU
A1 Single Phase Town ResidentialFixed
A1 Single Phase Farm and Rural ResidentialFixed
A2 Single Phase SeasonalFixed10¢

City of Lakota Rates

City of Lakota has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential service rateFixed6¢ to 7¢

Cass County Electric Coop Inc Rates

Cass County Electric Coop Inc has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Rate 100 (Rural residential)Fixed
Rate 110 (Urban residential)Fixed11¢
Rate 102 (Small single-phase commercial)Fixed
Rate 80 (Apartment residential)Fixed

Cavalier Rural Elec Coop, Inc Rates

Cavalier Rural Elec Coop, Inc has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Rural Residential RateFixed9¢ to 14¢

City of Hope Rates

City of Hope has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential ServiceFixed

City of Hillsboro Rates

City of Hillsboro has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh

City of Park River Rates

City of Park River has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Heat PumpFixed10¢
Residential Off PeakFixed
Residential- All ElectricFixed9¢ to 11¢

Learn About Electricity in These North Dakota Cities

AbercrombieAdamsAdrianAlamoAlexanderAliceAlmontAlsenAmeniaAmidonAnamooseAnetaAntlerAppamArdochArenaArgusvilleArnegardArthurArvillaAshleyBaldwinBalfourBarneyBathgateBeachBelfieldBenedictBertholdBeulahBinfordBismarckBlanchardBottineauBowbellsBowdonBowmanBraddockBriarwoodBrocketBuchananBuffaloBuffalo SpringsBurlingtonButteBuxtonCaledoniaCandoCarpioCarringtonCarsonCartwrightCasseltonCathayCavalierCayugaCenterCharlsonChaseleyChristineChurchs FerryClevelandCliffordCogswellColeharborColfaxColgateColumbusCooperstownCourtenayCraryCreteCrosbyCrystalCummingsDavenportDawsonDazeyDeeringDenhoffDes LacsDevils LakeDickeyDickinsonDodgeDonnybrookDouglasDrakeDraytonDriscollDunn CenterDurbinDwightEckelsonEdgeleyEdinburgEdmoreEgelandEldridgeElginEllendaleEmeradoEnderlinEnglevaleEppingErieFairdaleFairmountFargoFessendenFingalFinleyFlasherFlaxtonForbesFordvilleForest RiverFormanFort RansomFort RiceFort YatesFortunaFoxholmFredoniaFrontierFullertonGackleGalchuttGalesburgGardnerGarrisonGascoyneGeneseoGilbyGladstoneGlen UllinGlenburnGolden ValleyGolvaGoodrichGraftonGrand ForksGrandinGranvilleGrassy ButteGreat BendGrenoraGwinnerHallidayHamiltonHankinsonHannafordHarveyHarwoodHattonHazeltonHazenHebronHeimdalHenselHenslerHettingerHicksonHillsboroHoneyfordHoopleHopeHoraceHuffHunterHurdsfieldInksterJamestownJohnstownJudJudsonKarlsruheKathrynKemptonKenmareKensalKilldeerKindredKramerKulmLakotaLamoureLangdonLankinLansfordLarimoreLealLeedsLeforLehrLeithLeonardLidgerwoodLigniteLincolnLintonLisbonLitchvilleLuverneMaddockMakotiMandanManfredManningMantadorManvelMapletonMarionMarmarthMartinMaxMaxbassMayvilleMccannaMccluskyMcgregorMchenryMckenzieMcleodMcvilleMedinaMedoraMekinockMenokenMercerMichiganMillartonMilnorMiltonMinnewaukanMinotMintoMoffitMohallMontpelierMooretonMottMountainMunichNapoleonNecheNekomaNew EnglandNew HradecNew LeipzigNew RockfordNew SalemNew TownNewburgNiagaraNomeNoonanNorth RiverNorthwoodNorwichOakesOberonOriskaOsnabrockOxbowPagePalermoPark RiverParshallPekinPembinaPetersburgPettibonePick CityPillsburyPingreePisekPlazaPortalPortlandPowers LakePrairie RoseRayReederReganRegentReile's AcresReiles AcresReynoldsRhameRichardtonRiverdaleRiversideRobinsonRocklakeRogersRoletteRollaRoseglenRossRugbyRusoRutlandRyderSaint AnthonySaint JohnSaint MichaelSaint ThomasSanbornSawyerScrantonSharonSheldonSheyenneSibleySolenSourisSouth HeartSpiritwoodStanleyStantonStarkweatherSteeleSterlingStirumStrasburgStreeterSurreySykestonTappenTaylorThompsonTiogaTolleyTolnaTower CityTownerTrentonTurtle LakeTuttleUnderwoodUphamValley CityVelvaVeronaVoltaireWahpetonWalcottWalesWalhallaWarwickWashburnWatford CityWebsterWest FargoWesthopeWheatlandWhite EarthWhitmanWildroseWillistonWillow CityWiltonWimbledonWindsorWingWishekWoodworthWyndmereYpsilantiZahlZapZeeland

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