Clay Electric is an electric utility company that serves 14 counties in Florida, including Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Clay, Columbia, Dixie, Flagler, Gilchrist, Lake, Levy, Marion, Putnam, Suwannee, and Union. The company was founded in 1937 and is headquartered in Keystone Heights, Florida. Clay Electric is a not-for-profit, member-owned cooperative that provides electricity to over 183,000 accounts. The company's generation portfolio includes several natural gas-fired plants, as well as a solar farm in Keystone Heights. Clay Electric is committed to providing reliable and affordable electricity to its members, and offers a variety of programs and services to help them manage their energy usage and costs.
The average electricity rate for Clay Electric customers is 11.54 cents/kWh. Clay Electric has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.
Rate Name | Rate Type | Cost Per kWh |
Residential Service | Fixed | 12¢ to 13¢ |
In 2021, the average Clay Electric customer lost electricity for 3 times for about 67 minutes each. In total, the average Clay Electric customer had their electricity out for about 195 minutes during the whole year.
Credited to customer's next bill at retail rate; excess reconciled annually at avoided cost rate
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