Lee County Electric Coop Electricity Rates

Lee County Electric Cooperative (LCEC) is a not-for-profit electric distribution cooperative serving more than 220,000 customers in southwest Florida. Founded in 1940, LCEC is one of the largest electric cooperatives in the state of Florida and is headquartered in North Fort Myers. The utility provides reliable electric service to a diverse range of customers, including residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural customers. LCEC is committed to sustainability and has implemented several programs to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy. The cooperative also offers a variety of payment options and resources to help customers manage their energy usage and bills.

Lee County Electric Coop Rates

The average electricity rate for Lee County Electric Coop customers is 10.47 cents/kWh. Lee County Electric Coop has several different electricity rates for residential customers, as shown in the table below.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential ServiceFixed12¢ to 13¢

Lee County Electric Coop Reliability

In 2021, the average Lee County Electric Coop customer lost electricity one time for a duration of 69 minutes. In total, the average Lee County Electric Coop customer had their electricity out for about 82 minutes during the whole year.


Credited to customer's next bill at retail rate; excess reconciled annually at avoided cost rate

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