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Electricidad en

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El Estado de la Electricidad en Pennsylvania

Aquí está la factura mensual promedio, el consumo y la huella de carbono promedio de los residentes en Pennsylvania.

Factura mensual promedio


$358más alto








$166más bajo















Emisiones de carbono

771 lbs CO₂

Consumo mensual

1,222 kWh

¿De dónde proviene la electricidad de Pennsylvania?

La energía de Pennsylvania proviene de Natural Gas, Nuclear, Coal, Wind, Hydroelectric, and Solar. Natural Gas es la fuente más grande de electricidad, proporcionando el 56% de la energía de Pennsylvania. Nuclear es la segunda fuente más grande, representando el 32%. Coal proporciona el 8% de la energía en Pennsylvania. Wind proporciona el 2% de la energía en Pennsylvania. Hydroelectric proporciona el 1% de la energía en Pennsylvania. Solar proporciona el 1% de la energía en Pennsylvania.


Natural Gas











Energía solar en Pennsylvania

El estado de la energía solar en Pennsylvania

La energía solar está en aumento, ayudando a los propietarios de viviendas a ahorrar en sus facturas de electricidad y alimentar sus hogares de manera sostenible.

712 kWh

Energía generada por un sistema de tamaño promedio


Costo promedio del sistema

(después del incentivo federal)

10 years

Período de recuperación de la inversión

Obtén más información sobre la energía solar
Medición neta disponible

Recibe pago por el exceso de energía solar que produzcas

Las políticas de medición neta en Pennsylvania pueden ayudar a los propietarios de paneles solares a ahorrar dinero y reducir su huella de carbono. Cuando tus paneles solares generan más electricidad de la que consumes, puedes enviar el exceso de energía de vuelta a la red y recibir créditos en tu próxima factura. Algo que debes tener en cuenta al considerar la energía solar.

Incentivos para la Eficiencia Energética en Pennsylvania

Central Air Conditioning - Single Package$200 for SEER ≥ 16PPL Electric UtilitiesSee Details
Refrigerators (purchase)$50Penelec (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Clothes Dryers$25Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Dishwashers$25Penelec (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Dishwashers$25Met-Ed (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Ductless Heat Pump (mini & multi split) Systems$200West Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Refrigerators (purchase)$50West Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Freezers (purchase)$25West Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Clothes Dryers$50West Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Air-Source Heat Pump - Split Systems$450 for SEER ≥ 17.5PPL Electric UtilitiesSee Details
Smart Thermostats$50Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Clothes Dryers$50Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Central Air Conditioning - Split Systems$200 for SEER ≥ 16PPL Electric UtilitiesSee Details
Air-Source Heat Pump - Split Systems$350 for SEER ≥ 16PPL Electric UtilitiesSee Details
Air-Source Heat Pump - Single Package$450 for SEER ≥ 17.5PPL Electric UtilitiesSee Details
Sealing and Insulation Products$200-$500PPL Electric UtilitiesSee Details
Ductless Heat Pump (mini & multi split) Systems$200Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Refrigerators (purchase)$25West Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Central Air Conditioning - Single Package$150-$250West Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Clothes Dryers$25Penelec (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Freezers (purchase)$25Penelec (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Smart Thermostats$100PPL Electric UtilitiesSee Details
Heat Pump Water Heaters$500Met-Ed (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Central Air Conditioning - Split Systems$200 for SEER ≥ 16PPL Electric UtilitiesSee Details
Central Air Conditioning - Single Package$150-$250Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Central Air Conditioning - Split Systems$300 for SEER ≥ 17.5PPL Electric UtilitiesSee Details
Smart Thermostats$50Met-Ed (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Room Air Conditioning (purchase)$100Penelec (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Room Air Conditioning (purchase)$50Met-Ed (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Ductless Heat Pump (mini & multi split) Systems$200Met-Ed (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Freezers (purchase)$25Met-Ed (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Smart Thermostats$100West Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Ductless Heat Pump (mini & multi split) Systems$200Penelec (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Room Air Conditioning (purchase)$50Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Central Air Conditioning - Single Package$150-$250Met-Ed (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Clothes Washers$25West Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Air-Source Heat Pump - Split Systems$250-$500Penelec (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Smart Thermostats$50PPL Electric UtilitiesSee Details
Clothes Washers$25Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Smart Thermostats$50PPL Electric UtilitiesSee Details
Room Air Conditioning (purchase)$50West Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Ductless Heat Pump (mini & multi split) Systems$400/systemPPL Electric UtilitiesSee Details
Heat Pump Water Heaters$500Penelec (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Refrigerators (purchase)$50Met-Ed (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Central Air Conditioning - Single Package$150-$250Penelec (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Air-Source Heat Pump - Split Systems$250-$500Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Air-Source Heat Pump - Split Systems$250-$500West Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Clothes Dryers$25Met-Ed (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Air-Source Heat Pump - Split Systems$250-$500Met-Ed (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Heat Pump Water Heaters$500West Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Refrigerators (purchase)$50PPL Electric UtilitiesSee Details
Freezers (purchase)$25Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Room Air Conditioning (purchase)$100Met-Ed (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Central Air Conditioning - Split Systems$300 for SEER ≥ 17.5PPL Electric UtilitiesSee Details
Central Air Conditioning - Single Package$300 for SEER ≥ 17.5PPL Electric UtilitiesSee Details
Refrigerators (purchase)$25Penelec (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Heat Pump Water Heaters$500Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Clothes Dryers$50Met-Ed (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Air-Source Heat Pump - Single Package$350 for SEER ≥ 16PPL Electric UtilitiesSee Details
Heat Pump Water Heaters$400PPL Electric UtilitiesSee Details
Refrigerators (purchase)$25Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Room Air Conditioning (purchase)$100Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Room Air Conditioning (purchase)$100West Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Dishwashers$25Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Smart Thermostats$50Penelec (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Clothes Washers$25Met-Ed (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Refrigerators (purchase)$50Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Sealing and Insulation Products$1 to $5PPL Electric UtilitiesSee Details
Room Air Conditioning (purchase)$50Penelec (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Clothes Washers$25Penelec (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Smart Thermostats$50West Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Clothes Dryers$50Penelec (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Clothes Dryers$25West Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Dishwashers$25West Penn Power (FirstEnergy utility)See Details
Refrigerators (purchase)$25Met-Ed (FirstEnergy utility)See Details

Proveedores de Electricidad en Pennsylvania

Hay una variedad de planes de electricidad disponibles para los residentes de Pennsylvania. Las siguientes compañías ofrecen planes de electricidad en el state:

Compañías de electricidad en Pennsylvania

APN Starfirst, L.P.Adams Electric Cooperative IncAllegheny Electric Coop IncAmerican PowerNetAnthracite Power & LightBedford Rural Elec Coop, IncBlue Star Energy ServicesBorough of BerlinBorough of BlakelyBorough of CatawissaBorough of ChambersburgBorough of East ConemaughBorough of Ellwood CityBorough of EphrataBorough of GoldsboroBorough of Grove CityBorough of HatfieldBorough of KutztownBorough of LansdaleBorough of LehightonBorough of LewisberryBorough of MifflinburgBorough of New WilmingtonBorough of OlyphantBorough of PerkasieBorough of PitcairnBorough of QuakertownBorough of RoyaltonBorough of Schuylkill HavenBorough of SmethportBorough of SummerhillBorough of TarentumBorough of WampumBorough of WeatherlyBorough of ZelienopleCentral Electric Coop, IncChampion Energy ServicesCitizens Electric CoClaverack Rural Elec Coop IncCommerce Energy, Inc.Consolidated Edison Sol IncConstellation NewEnergy, IncDirect Energy ServicesDominion Retail IncDuncannon Borough ofDuquesneDuquesne Light Energy, LLCEnergy Plus Holdings LLCExelon Energy CompanyFirst Energy Solutions Corp.GEXA Corp.Gateway Energy Services CorporationGirard Borough ofGlacial Energy HoldingsHess Retail Natural Gas and Elec. Acctg.Hooversville Boro Elec Lgt CoIntegrys Energy Services, Inc.Liberty Power Corp.Linde Energy Services, Inc.MetEdMiddletown Borough ofMont Alto BoroughMxEnergy Electric, Inc.New Enterprise R E C, IncNoble Americas Energy Solutions LLCNorthwestern Rural E C A, IncPEPCO Energy ServicesPPLPPL EnergyPlus LLCPalmco Power PA, LLCPeco ElectricityPenelec - PennsylvaniaPenn PowerPike County Light & Power CoPublic Power & Utility, Inc.REA Energy Coop IncSafe Harbor Water Power CorpSomerset Rural Elec Coop, IncSouth Jersey Energy CompanySpark Energy, LPSt Clair Borough ofStrategic Energy LLCSuez Energy Resources North AmericaSullivan County R E C, IncThe Energy CoopTri-County Rural Elec Coop IncUGI Energy Services, Inc.UGI Utilities, IncUnited Electric Coop, IncValley Rural Electric Coop IncWarren Electric Coop IncWashington Gas Energy ServicesWatsontown Borough ofWellsborough Electric CoWest Penn Power

Tarifas de St Clair Borough of

St Clair Borough of ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate Type

Tarifas de Borough of Ellwood City

Borough of Ellwood City ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential HeatFixed5¢ to 11¢
Domestice ServiceFixed11¢

Tarifas de Borough of New Wilmington

Borough of New Wilmington ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential ServiceFixed9¢ to 11¢

Tarifas de Borough of Smethport

Borough of Smethport ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate Type
Residential RateFixed

Tarifas de Wellsborough Electric Co

Wellsborough Electric Co ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential ServiceFixed13¢
Residential Service - All Electric (RSAE)Fixed12¢

Tarifas de Borough of Hatfield

Borough of Hatfield ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential RateFixed15¢ to 18¢

Tarifas de Borough of Pitcairn

Borough of Pitcairn ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Schedule R.EFixed9¢ to 10¢
All-Electric HomesFixed

Tarifas de Pike County Light & Power Co

Pike County Light & Power Co ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential Service ( SC I)Fixed18¢ to 19¢

Tarifas de Borough of Ephrata

Borough of Ephrata ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential Single Phase Service RatesFixed11¢ to 13¢
Residential Three Phase Service RatesFixed11¢ to 13¢

Tarifas de Bedford Rural Elec Coop, Inc

Bedford Rural Elec Coop, Inc ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential Service - SeasonalFixed11¢
Residential ServiceFixed11¢

Tarifas de Sullivan County R E C, Inc

Sullivan County R E C, Inc ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential Electric Service - Rate 1Fixed13¢

Tarifas de Middletown Borough of

Middletown Borough of ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
PACE Rate (Rate P)TOU6¢ to 8¢
Residential Total Electric Service (Rate R)Fixed

Tarifas de Girard Borough of

Girard Borough of ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Rate RS- Residential ServiceFixed

Tarifas de Borough of Tarentum

Borough of Tarentum ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential ServiceFixed11¢

Tarifas de Watsontown Borough of

Watsontown Borough of ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential ServiceFixed16¢ to 20¢

Tarifas de New Enterprise R E C, Inc

New Enterprise R E C, Inc ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
RegularFixed9¢ to 10¢

Tarifas de Borough of Mifflinburg

Borough of Mifflinburg ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential ServiceFixed12¢ to 13¢

Tarifas de Borough of Quakertown

Borough of Quakertown ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential All Electric (Electric Heat)Fixed12¢ to 15¢
Residential General ElectricFixed13¢ to 15¢

Tarifas de Borough of Lansdale

Borough of Lansdale ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh

Tarifas de Borough of Grove City

Borough of Grove City ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential ServiceFixed10¢ to 11¢
Residential Electric HeatingTOU6¢ to 11¢

Tarifas de PEPCO Energy Services

PEPCO Energy Services ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
RTMTOU15¢ to 19¢
RFixed1¢ to 15¢

Tarifas de UGI Utilities, Inc

UGI Utilities, Inc ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential ServiceFixed17¢

Tarifas de Penelec - Pennsylvania

Penelec - Pennsylvania ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential ServiceFixed

Tarifas de Borough of Lehighton

Borough of Lehighton ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh

Tarifas de Borough of Perkasie

Borough of Perkasie ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Rate Schedule RS: Residential ServiceFixed14¢ to 18¢

Tarifas de United Electric Coop, Inc

United Electric Coop, Inc ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential Single-PhaseFixed10¢ to 11¢
Residential Service - UnbundledFixed3¢ to 4¢

Tarifas de Duncannon Borough of

Duncannon Borough of ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential Rate - Outside TownFixed9¢ to 12¢
Residential Rate - In TownFixed9¢ to 12¢

Tarifas de Penn Power

Penn Power ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential ServiceFixed
RH (Special Provision)Fixed

Tarifas de Peco Electricity

Peco Electricity ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential Service (R) - TOUTOU16¢ to 42¢
Residential Heating Service (RH)Fixed8¢ to 10¢
Residential Heating Service (RH)Fixed18¢ to 20¢
Residential Service Fixed11¢
Residential Service (R)Fixed10¢

Tarifas de Warren Electric Coop Inc

Warren Electric Coop Inc ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Home and Farm Service (Schedule A)Fixed10¢
Electric Thermal Storage - Time Of Day (Schedule E)TOU5¢ to 19¢

Tarifas de Adams Electric Cooperative Inc

Adams Electric Cooperative Inc ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh

Tarifas de Claverack Rural Elec Coop Inc

Claverack Rural Elec Coop Inc ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential ServiceFixed13¢
Residential Time-of-UseTOU8¢ to 31¢

Tarifas de Borough of Chambersburg

Borough of Chambersburg ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Domestic RateFixed
Domestic Water Heating RateFixed

Tarifas de Valley Rural Electric Coop Inc

Valley Rural Electric Coop Inc ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential RateFixed11¢

Tarifas de Tri-County Rural Elec Coop Inc

Tri-County Rural Elec Coop Inc ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential/2 Costs of Service (RES2C)Fixed10¢ to 12¢
Residential/3 Costs of service (RES3C)Fixed10¢ to 12¢
Residential ServiceFixed11¢ to 12¢
Seasonal RateFixed11¢ to 16¢
Residential/4 Costs of service (RES4C)Fixed10¢ to 12¢

Tarifas de Borough of Weatherly

Borough of Weatherly ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential ServiceFixed10¢ to 12¢

Tarifas de Borough of Olyphant

Borough of Olyphant ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential RateFixed13¢ to 16¢

Tarifas de REA Energy Coop Inc

REA Energy Coop Inc ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential ServiceFixed8¢ to 9¢
Electric HeatFixed

Tarifas de Borough of Royalton

Borough of Royalton ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Electric RateFixed9¢ to 22¢

Tarifas de PPL

PPL ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential ServiceFixed

Tarifas de Mont Alto Borough

Mont Alto Borough ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
ResidentialFixed8¢ to 10¢

Tarifas de Borough of Lewisberry

Borough of Lewisberry ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Electric RateFixed13¢

Tarifas de Citizens Electric Co

Citizens Electric Co ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential ServiceFixed11¢
Space HeatingFixed13¢

Tarifas de Somerset Rural Elec Coop, Inc

Somerset Rural Elec Coop, Inc ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential ServiceFixed10¢ to 12¢

Tarifas de Duquesne

Duquesne ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential Service HeatingFixed8¢ to 9¢
Residential Service Add-On Heat PumpFixed4¢ to 9¢
Residential ServiceFixed

Tarifas de Borough of Berlin

Borough of Berlin ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate Type

Tarifas de Borough of Schuylkill Haven

Borough of Schuylkill Haven ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate Type
Residential service rate (Outside borough)Fixed
Residential service rate (Inside borough)Fixed12¢ to 15¢

Tarifas de West Penn Power

West Penn Power ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential ServiceFixed

Tarifas de Borough of Blakely

Borough of Blakely ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential ServiceFixed14¢ to 18¢

Tarifas de MetEd

MetEd ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential Service Rate (Time of Use Service)TOU11¢ to 14¢
Residential ServiceFixed

Tarifas de Borough of Kutztown

Borough of Kutztown ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh

Tarifas de Borough of Catawissa

Borough of Catawissa ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
ResidentialFixed16¢ to 18¢

Tarifas de Borough of Zelienople

Borough of Zelienople ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate Type
Three Family UnitFixed
Four Family UnitFixed
Single Family UnitFixed
Two Family UnitFixed

Tarifas de Northwestern Rural E C A, Inc

Northwestern Rural E C A, Inc ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Standard Residential And Farm Non-commercial Fixed10¢
Comfort Plus Rider - ResidentialFixed7¢ to 10¢
Heat Shift Rider Controlled less than 20 kW - ResidentialFixed7¢ to 10¢
OFFP 3 - Interruptible / Off - Peak Space HeatingFixed
Heat Shift Rider Controlled 20 kW to 40 kWFixed1¢ to 10¢
SPHB 7 - Electric Space Heating RiderFixed6¢ to 10¢

Tarifas de Borough of Wampum

Borough of Wampum ofrece varias tarifas de electricidad diferentes para clientes residenciales, como se muestra en la tabla siguiente.

Rate NameRate TypeCost Per kWh
Residential RateFixed11¢ to 15¢

Planes de Electricidad de Duquesne en Pennsylvania

El precio de comparación para Duquesne es de 11.85¢. Las tarifas se basan en un consumo estimado de 1,222 kWh al mes.Actualizar consumo.

ProveedorPlanTarifa por kWhDuración del plan
Verde Energy

Clean Power 12

cheapestcheapest renewablecheapest 12 months
11.69¢12 mesesElegir plan
Direct Energy

Live Brighter 7

cheapest <12 months
12.19¢7 mesesElegir plan
Constellation Energy

6 Month Home Power Plan

12.99¢6 mesesElegir plan
Direct Energy

Live Brighter 12

13.19¢12 mesesElegir plan
Direct Energy

Live Brighter 18

cheapest 13+ months
13.99¢18 mesesElegir plan

Planes de Electricidad de MetEd en Pennsylvania

El precio de comparación para MetEd es de 11.01¢. Las tarifas se basan en un consumo estimado de 1,222 kWh al mes.Actualizar consumo.

ProveedorPlanTarifa por kWhDuración del plan
Direct Energy

Live Brighter 7

cheapestcheapest <12 months
10.89¢7 mesesElegir plan
Verde Energy

Clean Power 12

cheapest renewablecheapest 12 months
10.99¢12 mesesElegir plan
Direct Energy

Live Brighter 12

11.29¢12 mesesElegir plan
Direct Energy

Live Brighter 18

cheapest 13+ months
12.09¢18 mesesElegir plan
Constellation Energy

6 Month Home Power Plan

12.29¢6 mesesElegir plan

Planes de Electricidad de Peco Electricity en Pennsylvania

El precio de comparación para Peco Electricity es de 9.24¢. Las tarifas se basan en un consumo estimado de 1,222 kWh al mes.Actualizar consumo.

ProveedorPlanTarifa por kWhDuración del plan
Direct Energy

Live Brighter 7

cheapestcheapest <12 months
9.79¢7 mesesElegir plan
Verde Energy

Clean Power 12

cheapest renewablecheapest 12 monthsmost popular
10.19¢12 mesesElegir plan
Direct Energy

Live Brighter 12

10.39¢12 mesesElegir plan
Constellation Energy

6 Month Home Power Plan

10.99¢6 mesesElegir plan
Direct Energy

Live Brighter 18

cheapest 13+ months
10.99¢18 mesesElegir plan

Planes de Electricidad de Penelec - Pennsylvania en Pennsylvania

El precio de comparación para Penelec - Pennsylvania es de 10.48¢. Las tarifas se basan en un consumo estimado de 1,222 kWh al mes.Actualizar consumo.

ProveedorPlanTarifa por kWhDuración del plan
Direct Energy

Live Brighter 7

cheapestcheapest <12 months
10.39¢7 mesesElegir plan
Direct Energy

Live Brighter 12

cheapest 12 months
10.99¢12 mesesElegir plan
Constellation Energy

6 Month Home Power Plan

11.19¢6 mesesElegir plan
Direct Energy

Live Brighter 18

cheapest 13+ months
11.59¢18 mesesElegir plan
Verde Energy

Clean Power 12

cheapest renewable
11.89¢12 mesesElegir plan

Planes de Electricidad de Penn Power en Pennsylvania

El precio de comparación para Penn Power es de 11.17¢. Las tarifas se basan en un consumo estimado de 1,222 kWh al mes.Actualizar consumo.

ProveedorPlanTarifa por kWhDuración del plan
Constellation Energy

6 Month Home Power Plan

cheapestcheapest <12 months
11.79¢6 mesesElegir plan
Direct Energy

Live Brighter 7

11.79¢7 mesesElegir plan
Verde Energy

Clean Power 12

cheapest renewablecheapest 12 months
11.89¢12 mesesElegir plan
Direct Energy

Live Brighter 12

12.39¢12 mesesElegir plan
Constellation Energy

12 Month Home Power Plan

12.79¢12 mesesElegir plan

Planes de Electricidad de PPL en Pennsylvania

El precio de comparación para PPL es de 10.77¢. Las tarifas se basan en un consumo estimado de 1,222 kWh al mes.Actualizar consumo.

ProveedorPlanTarifa por kWhDuración del plan
Direct Energy

Live Brighter 7

cheapestcheapest <12 months
11.09¢7 mesesElegir plan
Verde Energy

Clean Power 6

cheapest renewable
11.59¢6 mesesElegir plan
Direct Energy

Live Brighter 12

cheapest 12 months
11.69¢12 mesesElegir plan
Verde Energy

Clean Power 12

11.99¢12 mesesElegir plan
Direct Energy

Live Brighter 18

cheapest 13+ months
12.29¢18 mesesElegir plan

Planes de Electricidad de West Penn Power en Pennsylvania

El precio de comparación para West Penn Power es de 9.48¢. Las tarifas se basan en un consumo estimado de 1,222 kWh al mes.Actualizar consumo.

ProveedorPlanTarifa por kWhDuración del plan
Direct Energy

Live Brighter 7

cheapestcheapest <12 months
9.79¢7 mesesElegir plan
Direct Energy

Live Brighter 12

cheapest 12 months
10.39¢12 mesesElegir plan
Constellation Energy

6 Month Home Power Plan

10.69¢6 mesesElegir plan
Verde Energy

Clean Power 12

cheapest renewable
10.99¢12 mesesElegir plan
Direct Energy

Live Brighter 18

cheapest 13+ months
11.09¢18 mesesElegir plan

The Deregulation of Pennsylvania’s Power Grid

In late 1996, Pennsylvania enacted House Bill 1509, also known as the Electricity Generation Customer Choice and Competition Act, which scheduled the state’s transition to a deregulated electricity market.

Pennsylvania is a powerhouse in energy generation, ranking second in natural gas marketed production and total net electricity generation in 2017. Despite generating so much energy, Pennsylvanians had yet to see the results in their electricity bills as the state had always hovered above the national mean in residential electricity and natural gas prices.

The state hoped deregulation would help bring down prices.

As of July 1, 2016, over 2 million residents and businesses have taken advantage and signed up with an alternative electricity provider, many benefiting from reduced electricity bills.

Energía Renovable en Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania lacks in generating electricity from renewable energy sources, which only made up 4.5% of the state’s electricity generation in 2017. However, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the state is looking to change this as it has mandated that 18% of the electricity sold by 2021 come from renewable sources, including at least 0.5% solar photovoltaic power.

A lot of WattBuy’s suppliers use renewable energy sources to generate their energy. You can check if any renewable energy sources are available in your area by inputting your zip code at the top of this page!


Aprende sobre la electricidad en estas ciudades de Pennsylvania

AaronsburgAbbottstownAbingtonAcmeAcostaAdahAdamsburgAdamstownAdamsvilleAddisonAdrianAirvilleAkronAlbaAlbionAlbrightsvilleAlburtisAldanAlexandriaAliquippaAlleghenyAllenportAllensvilleAllentownAllenwoodAllisonAllison ParkAllportAlmediaAltoonaAlum BankAlverdaAlvertonAmbersonAmblerAmbridgeAmityAnalominkAncient OaksAndalusiaAndreasAnitaAnnvilleApolloArcadiaArchbaldArcolaArdaraArdmoreArendtsvilleAristesArmaghArnoldAronaArtemasAshlandAshleyAshvilleAspersAspinwallAstonAtglenAthensAtlanticAtlasburgAuburnAudubonAultmanAustinAvalonAvellaAvisAvocaAvonAvondaleAvonmoreBadenBainbridgeBairdfordBakerstownBala CynwydBaldwinBallyBangorBarnesvilleBartoBartonsvilleBathBausmanBeach HavenBeach LakeBeallsvilleBear CreekBear Creek TownshipBear Crk TwpBear LakeBeaverBeaver FallsBeaver MeadowsBeaver SpringsBeaverdaleBeavertownBeccariaBechtelsvilleBedfordBedminsterBeech CreekBeechviewBelfastBelle VernonBellefonteBellevilleBellevueBellwoodBelmont HillsBelsanoBen AvonBen Avon HeightsBendersvilleBenezettBensalemBentleyvilleBentonBerlinBernvilleBerrysburgBerwickBerwynBessemerBethanyBethelBethel ParkBethlehemBeyerBig Cove TanneryBig RunBiglerBiglervilleBirchrunvilleBird In HandBirdsboroBirminghamBlack LickBlainBlairs MillsBlairsvilleBlakelyBlakesleeBlanchardBlandburgBlandonBlawnoxBloomfieldBlooming GroveBloomsburgBlossburgBlue BallBlue BellBlue Ridge SummitBoalsburgBobtownBoiling SpringsBolivarBonneauvilleBoothwynBoswellBovardBowmansdaleBowmanstownBowmansvilleBoyersBoyertownBoyntonBrackenridgeBrackneyBraddockBraddock HillsBradenvilleBradfordBradfordwoodsBranchdaleBrandamoreBraveBreezewoodBreinigsvilleBrentwoodBresslerBressler-Enhaut-OberlinBriar CreekBridgeportBridgevilleBrier HillBrighton TwpBrisbinBristolBrittany Farms-HighlandsBroad TopBrockportBrocktonBrockwayBrodbecksBrodheadsvilleBrogueBrookhavenBrooklineBrookvilleBroomallBrowndaleBrownfieldBrownstownBrownsvilleBruinBrush ValleyBryn AthynBryn MawrBuck Hill FallsBuckhornBuckinghamBuena VistaBuffalo MillsBulgerBunolaBurgettstownBurnhamBurnsideBurnt CabinsBushkillButlerButztownByrnedaleCabotCadoganCairnbrookCaliforniaCallensburgCalleryCalvinCambridge SpringsCammalCamp HillCampbelltownCanadensisCanadohta LakeCanonsburgCantonCarbondaleCardaleCarlisleCarltonCarmichaelsCarnegieCarroll ValleyCarrolltownCarsonCarversvilleCashtownCassandraCassvilleCastaneaCastle ShannonCatasauquaCatawissaCecilCecil-BishopCedar RunCedarsCenter SquareCenter ValleyCenterportCentervilleCentral CityCentre HallChadds FordChalfantChalfontChalk HillChambersburgChambersvilleChampionChapmanCharleroiChathamCheltenhamCherry TreeCherryvilleChest SpringsChesterChester HeightsChester SpringsChester TownshipChesterbrookChestnut RidgeCheswickCheyneyChicoraChildsChristianaChurchillChurchvilleCity Of Wilkes BarreClairtonClarenceClarendonClaridgeClaringtonClarionClarkClarks GreenClarks MillsClarks SummitClarksburgClarksvilleClaysburgClaysvilleClearfieldClearvilleCleonaCliffordClifford TownshipClifford TwpCliftonClifton HeightsClifton HtsClifton TownshipClifton TwpClintonClintonvilleCluneClymerCoal CenterCoal TownshipCoaldaleCoalportCoatesvilleCoburnCochrantonCochranvilleCocolamusCogan StationCokeburgColebrookCollegevilleCollier TwpCollingdaleColmarColonial ParkColumbiaColumbia Cross RoadsColumbusColverColwynCommodoreConcordConcordvilleConemaughConestogaConfluenceConneaut LakeConneautvilleConnellsvilleConnoquenessingConshohockenConwayConynghamCooksburgCoolbaugh TownshipCoolbaugh TwpCoolspringCoopersburgCooperstownCoplayCoralCoraopolisCorlissCornwallCornwall BoroCornwall BoroughCornwells HeightsCorryCorsicaCoudersportCouponCourtdaleCovingtonCovington TownshipCovington TwpCowanesqueCowansvilleCrabtreeCraftonCraigsvilleCranberryCranberry TownshipCranberry TwpCranesvilleCreeksideCreightonCrescentCrescent TownshipCrescoCressonCressonaCross ForkCrownCroydonCrucibleCrum LynneCrystal SpringCuddyCumbolaCurtisvilleCurwensvilleCycloneDaisytownDaleDallasDallastownDalmatiaDaltonDamascusDanboroDanielsvilleDanvilleDarbyDarby TownshipDarlingtonDarraghDaubervilleDauphinDavidsvilleDavistownDawsonDaytonDe LanceyDefianceDelanoDelaware TwpDelaware Water GapDelmontDeltaDenboDenverDerrick CityDerryDevaultDevonDewartDickerson RunDickson CityDickson CtyDillinerDillsburgDilltownDingmans FerryDistantDixonvilleDonaldsonDonegalDonoraDormontDornsifeDouglassvilleDoverDowningtownDoylesburgDoylestownDravosburgDresherDrexel HillDriftingDriftwoodDrumoreDrumsDry RunDu BoisDublinDuboisDuboistownDudleyDuke CenterDunbarDuncannonDuncansvilleDunlevyDunloDunmoreDupontDuquesneDurhamDuryeaDushoreDysartE FallowfieldE PittsburghEagles MereEaglevilleEarlvilleEast BangorEast BerlinEast BerwickEast BradyEast ButlerEast ConemaughEast EarlEast FallowfieldEast Fallowfield TownshipEast FreedomEast GreenvilleEast HickoryEast LansdowneEast LibertyEast Mc KeesportEast MckeesportEast MillsboroEast NorritonEast PennsboroEast PetersburgEast PittsburghEast ProspectEast RochesterEast SmethportEast SmithfieldEast SpringfieldEast StroudsburgEast TexasEast VandergriftEast WaterfordEast YorkEastlawn GardensEastonEau ClaireEbensburgEddingtonEddystoneEdgelyEdgeworthEdinboroEdinburgEdwardsvilleEffortEighty FourElcoEldertonEldredElimElizabethElizabeth TwpElizabethtownElizabethvilleElkins ParkElklandElliottsburgEllportEllsworthEllwood CityElmhurstElmhurst TownshipElmhurst TwpElmoraElramaEltonElversonElwynElysburgEmeighEmeraldEmigsvilleEmlentonEmmausEmporiumEmsworthEndeavorEnolaEnon ValleyEntrikenEphrataEphrata TownshipEquinunkErdenheimErieErnestErwinnaEspyEspyvilleEssingtonEtnaEttersEvans CityEvansvilleEverettEversonExeterExportExtonEynonFactoryvilleFair OaksFairbankFairchanceFairfieldFairhopeFairless HillsFairmount CityFairviewFairview VillageFallentimberFallsFalls CreekFallsingtonFannettsburgFarmingtonFarrandsvilleFarrellFawn GroveFayette CityFayettevilleFeastervilleFeasterville TrevoseFell TownshipFell TwpFeltonFeneltonFern GlenFerndaleFernvilleFinleyvilleFisherFishertownFleetvilleFleetwoodFlemingFlemingtonFlintonFlourtownFlying HillsFogelsvilleFolcroftFolsomFombellForbes RoadForceFord CityFord CliffForest CityForest GroveForest HillsForestvilleForks TownshipForks TwpForkston TownshipForkston TwpForksvilleFort HillFort LittletonFort LoudonFort WashingtonForty FortFoundryvilleFountain HillFountainvilleFox ChapelFoxburgFrackvilleFranklinFranklintownFrazerFrederickFredericksburgFredericktownFredoniaFreeburgFreedomFreelandFreemansburgFreeportFrenchvilleFriedensFriendsvilleFruitvilleFryburgFullertonFurlongGainesGaletonGallitzinGapGarden ViewGardnersGarfieldGarlandGarnet ValleyGarrettGeneseeGeorge SchoolGeorgetownGermansvilleGettysburgGibbon GladeGibsonGibsoniaGiffordGilbertGilbertonGilbertsvilleGillettGinterGipsyGirardGirardvilleGladwyneGlassportGlen CampbellGlen HopeGlen LyonGlen MillsGlen OsborneGlen RicheyGlen RiddleGlen RockGlencoeGlendonGlenmooreGlenoldenGlenshawGlensideGlenvilleGlenwillardGoldsboroGordonGordonvilleGouldsboroGracetonGrampianGrand ValleyGranthamGrantleyGrantvilleGranvilleGranville SummitGrapevilleGrassflatGraterfordGratzGrayGraysvilleGreat BendGreeleyGreen LaneGreen ParkGreencastleGreenfield TownshipGreenockGreensboroGreensburgGreentownGreentreeGreenvilleGrindstoneGrove CityGuilford TownshipGulph MillsGuys MillsGwyneddGwynedd ValleyHadleyHalifaxHallamHallsteadHamburgHamiltonHampden TownshipHampden TwpHampton TownshipHannastownHanoverHanover TownshipHanover TwpHarborcreekHardingHarfordHarleighHarleysvilleHarmonsburgHarmonyHarmony TownshipHarrisburgHarrison CityHarrison ValleyHarrisonvilleHarrisvilleHartletonHartstownHartsvilleHarveys LakeHarwickHastingsHatboroHatfieldHaverfordHavertownHawk RunHawleyHawthornHaysvilleHazel HurstHazelwoodHazle TownshipHazle TownshpHazletonHeginsHeidelbergHeilwoodHellamHellertownHenryvilleHerefordHerminieHermitageHerndonHerrick CenterHersheyHesstonHibbsHickoryHidden ValleyHighland ParkHighspireHilldaleHillerHilliardsHillsdaleHillsgroveHillsvilleHilltownHokendauquaHolbrookHollandHollidaysburgHollsoppleHollywoodHolmesHoltwoodHomeHomer CityHomesteadHomewoodHonesdaleHoney BrookHoney GroveHookstownHooversvilleHop BottomHopewellHopwoodHorshamHoustonHoutzdaleHowardHublersburgHudsonHughestownHughesvilleHulmevilleHummels WharfHummelstownHunkerHunlock CreekHunlock TownshipHuntingdonHuntingdon ValleyHuntingdon VyHuntington MillsHustontownHutchinsonHydeHyde ParkHydetownHyndmanIckesburgImlerImperialIndian HeadIndian ValleyIndianaIndianolaIndustryIngramInkermanIntercourseIrvineIrvonaIrwinIsabellaIvylandJacksonJackson CenterJackson TownshipJackson TwpJacobusJames CityJames CreekJamestownJamisonJeannetteJeffersonJefferson HillsJefferson TownshipJefferson TwpJeffersonvilleJenkins TownshipJenkins TwpJenkintownJennersJennerstownJermynJeromeJersey MillsJersey ShoreJessupJim ThorpeJoffreJohnsonburgJohnstownJoliettJonestownJosephineJulianJunedaleKaneKantnerKarns CityKarthausKaskaKeistervilleKelayresKemblesvilleKemptonKenhorstKennedy TownshipKennerdellKennett SquareKentKerseyKimbertonKing Of PrussiaKingsleyKingstonKintnersvilleKinzersKirkwoodKittanningKleinfeltersvilleKline TownshipKline TwpKlingerstownKnoxKnox DaleKnoxvilleKoppelKossuthKratzervilleKresgevilleKulpmontKulpsvilleKunkletownKutztownKylertownLa BelleLa JoseLa PlumeLaceyvilleLackawaxenLafayette HillLaflinLahaskaLairdsvilleLake ArielLake CityLake ComoLake HarmonyLake HeritageLake LynnLake WinolaLakevilleLakewoodLamarLamartineLambertonLamottLampeterLancasterLandenbergLandingvilleLandisburgLandisvilleLanesboroLangelothLanghorneLanghorne ManorLansdaleLansdowneLanseLansfordLaporteLarimerLarksvilleLatrobeLattimer MinesLaughlintownLaurel RunLaureldaleLaurys StationLavelleLaverockLawnLawntonLawrenceLawrence ParkLawrencevilleLawtonLe RaysvilleLeacock-Leola-BarevilleLebanonLebanon SouthLeck KillLeckroneLederachLeechburgLeeperLeesportLeetsdaleLehigh ValleyLehightonLehighton BoroughLehmanLeisenringLemontLemont FurnaceLemoyneLenhartsvilleLenniLenoxvilleLeolaLesterLevittownLewis RunLewisberryLewisburgLewistownLibertyLickingvilleLightstreetLigonierLillyLimaLime RidgeLimekilnLimerickLincoln UnivLincoln UniversityLindenLine LexingtonLinesvilleLinfieldLinglestownLinntownLinwoodLionvilleListieLititzLittle MarshLittle MeadowsLittlestownLiverpoolLlewellynLock HavenLocust GapLocustdaleLogantonLoganvilleLong PondLopezLorainLoraneLords ValleyLorettoLost CreekLowberLower AllenLower BurrellLower GwyneddLower MerionLower PaxtonLower SalfordLoyalhannaLoysburgLoysvilleLucerneminesLucindaLudlowLumbervilleLurganLuxorLuzerneLykensLyndoraLyon StationMacungieMaderaMadison TownshipMadison TwpMadisonburgMahaffeyMahanoy CityMahanoy PlaneMainesburgMainlandMainvilleMalvernManayunkManchesterManheimManns ChoiceManorManorvilleMansfieldMaple GlenMapleton DepotMar LinMarbleMarchandMarcus HookMariannaMarienvilleMariettaMarionMarion CenterMarion HeightsMarkletonMarkleysburgMarlinMarsMarstellerMartinMartins CreekMartinsburgMary DMarysvilleMasontownMatamorasMatherMaxatawnyMayfieldMayportMaytownMc AlistervilleMc ClellandtownMc ClureMc ConnellsburgMc ConnellstownMc DonaldMc EwensvilleMc GrannMc IntyreMc KeanMc Kees RocksMc KnightMc KnightstownMc MurrayMc SherrystownMc VeytownMcadooMcclellandtownMcclellandtwnMcclureMcconnellsburgMcdonaldMcewensvilleMckeanMckees RocksMckeesportMcknightMcmurrayMcsherrystownMcveytownMeadow LandsMeadowbrookMeadvilleMechanicsburgMechanicsvilleMediaMehoopanyMelcroftMelroseMelrose ParkMentcleMercerMercersburgMeridianMerion StationMerrittstownMertztownMeshoppenMeyers CrossingMeyersdaleMid City WestMiddleburgMiddlebury CenterMiddleportMiddletownMidlandMidwayMifflinMifflinburgMifflintownMifflinvilleMilanMilanvilleMildredMilesburgMilfordMilford SqMill CreekMill HallMill RunMill VillageMillbourneMillersburgMillerstownMillersvilleMillertonMillheimMillmontMillriftMillsMillsboroMillvaleMillvilleMilmont ParkMilroyMiltonMineral PointMineral SpringsMiners MillMinersvilleMingovilleMiquonMocanaquaModenaMohntonMohrsvilleMonacaMonessenMonongahelaMonroe TownshipMonroe TwpMonroetonMonroevilleMont AltoMont ClareMontandonMontgomeryMontgomeryvilleMontoursvilleMontroseMoonMoon TownshipMoon TwpMoosicMorannMoreaMorganMorgantownMorrisMorrisdaleMorrisvilleMortonMoscowMoshannonMount AetnaMount BethelMount BraddockMount CarbonMount CarmelMount CobbMount GretnaMount Holly SpringsMount JewettMount JoyMount LebanonMount MorrisMount OliverMount PennMount PleasantMount Pleasant MillsMount PoconoMount UnionMount WashingtonMount WolfMountain TopMountvilleMt CarmelMt GretnaMt Holly SpgsMt Holly SpringsMt LebanonMt MorrisMt OliverMt PleasantMt WashingtonMuhlenberg TownshipMuirMuncyMuncy ValleyMunhallMunsonMurrysvilleMuseMyerstownN Abingtn TwpN CharleroiN VersaillesNanticokeNanty GloNarberthNarvonNatrona HeightsNazarethNeedmoreNeelytonNeffsNeffsvilleNemacolinNescopeckNeshannockNesquehoningNether Providence TownshipNew AlbanyNew AlexandriaNew BaltimoreNew BerlinNew BerlinvilleNew BethlehemNew BloomfieldNew BostonNew BrightonNew BritainNew BuffaloNew CastleNew ColumbiaNew CumberlandNew DerryNew EagleNew EnterpriseNew FlorenceNew FreedomNew FreeportNew GalileeNew GenevaNew GermantownNew HollandNew HopeNew KensingtonNew KingstownNew London TownshipNew MilfordNew MillportNew OxfordNew ParisNew ParkNew PhiladelphiaNew ProvidenceNew RinggoldNew SalemNew Salem BoroughNew StantonNew TripoliNew WilmingtonNewburgNewellNewfoundlandNewlondon TwpNewmanstownNewportNewportvilleNewryNewton HamiltonNewtownNewtown SquareNewvilleNicholsonNicktownNisbetNoblestownNormalvilleNorristownNorth Abington TownshipNorth ApolloNorth BendNorth BinghamNorth BraddockNorth CatasauquaNorth CharleroiNorth EastNorth HuntingdonNorth IrwinNorth SpringfieldNorth Vandergrift-Pleasant ViewNorth VersaillesNorth WalesNorth WarrenNorth WashingtonNorth YorkNorthamptonNorthern CambriaNorthpointNorthumberlandNorthwest HarborcreekNorwegian TwpNorwoodNottinghamNoxenNu MineNuangolaNurembergO'Hara TownshipOak HillsOak RidgeOakdaleOakfordOaklandOakland MillsOakmontOaksOberlinObservatoryOgdenOhiopyleOil CityOklahomaOlantaOld ForgeOld OrchardOleyOliveburgOliverOlyphantOneidaOnoOntelauneeOrangevilleOrbisoniaOrchard HillsOrefieldOrelandOrrstownOrrtannaOrvistonOrwigsburgOsceolaOsceola MillsOsterburgOswayoOttsvilleOverbrook HillsOxfordPaintPalmPalmerPalmer HeightsPalmer TownshipPalmer TwpPalmertonPalmyraPalo AltoPaoliParadiseParadise ValleyPardeesvilleParisParkPark Forest VillageParkerParkesburgParkhillParksideParryvillePatterson HeightsPatterson HtsPatterson TownshipPattonPaupackPaxinosPaxtangPaxtoniaPaxtonvillePeach BottomPeckvillePen ArgylPenbrookPenfieldPenllynPennPenn HillsPenn RunPenn ValleyPenn WynnePenndelPenns CreekPenns ParkPennsburgPennsbury VillagePennsdalePennsylvania FurnacePequeaPerkasiePerkiomenvillePerryopolisPetersburgPetroliaPhilaPhiladelphiaPhilipsburgPhoenixvillePicture RocksPilgrim GardensPillowPine GrovePine Grove MillsPinevillePipersvillePitcairnPitmanPittsburghPittsfieldPittstonPittston TownshipPittston TwpPlainfieldPlainsPlains TownshipPlains TwpPleasant GapPleasant HallPleasant HillPleasant HillsPleasant MountPleasant UnityPleasantvillePlumPlumsteadvillePlumvillePlymouthPlymouth MeetingPlymouth MtngPocono LakePocono Lake PreservePocono ManorPocono PinesPocono SummitPoint MarionPoint PleasantPolkPomeroyPort AlleganyPort CarbonPort ClintonPort GriffithPort MatildaPort RoyalPort TrevortonPort VuePortagePortersvillePortlandPortland MlsPottersdalePotts GrovePottstownPottsvillePoyntellePrestoPreston ParkPrimosPringleProgressPromptonProspectProspect ParkProsperityPulaskiPunxsutawneyQuakakeQuakertownQuarryvilleQuecreekQueenQuentinQuincyRadnorRailroadRalstonRameyRankinRanshawRansomRansom TownshipReadingReading StationReamstownRebersburgRebuckRectorRed HillRed LionReedsvilleReftonRehrersburgReifftonReinholdsRenfrewRenoRenovoRepublicReserve TownshipRevereRevlocRewReynoldsvilleRheemsRices LandingRichboroRicheyvilleRichfieldRichlandRichlandtownRichmondaleRiddlesburgRidgwayRidleyRidley ParkRiegelsvilleRilltonRimersburgRinggoldRingtownRiversideRixfordRoaring BranchRoaring Brook TwpRoaring SpringRobertsdaleRobesoniaRobinsonRobinson TownshipRochesterRochester MillsRock GlenRockhill FurnaceRockledgeRocktonRockwoodRogersvilleRohrerstownRomansvilleRomeRoncoRonksRoscoeRose ValleyRosemontRosetoRoslynRoss TownshipRossiterRostraver TownshipRostraver TwpRothsvilleRouletteRousevilleRouzervilleRowlandRoyaltonRoyersfordRuffs DaleRupertRural RidgeRural ValleyRuscombmanor TwpRushlandRussellRusselltonRutherfordRutledgeRydalS Abingtn TwpS ConnellsvlS WilliamsportSabinsvilleSacramentoSadsburyvilleSaegertownSagamoreSaint BenedictSaint ClairSaint DavidsSaint LawrenceSaint MarysSaint MichaelSaint PetersburgSaint ThomasSalfordSalisburySalixSalladasburgSaltilloSaltsburgSalungaSalunga-LandisvilleSanatogaSand HillSandySandy LakeSandy RidgeSarverSassamansvilleSaxonburgSaxtonSaylorsburgSayreScalp LevelScenery HillSchaefferstownSchellsburgSchnecksvilleSchuykl HavnSchuylkill HavenSchwenksvilleSciotaScotrunScott TownshipScott TwpScottdaleScrantonSeanorSecaneSelinsgroveSellersvilleSeltzerSeminoleSenecaSeven FieldsSeven ValleysSewardSewickleySewickley HillsShade GapShadysideShamokinShamokin DamShanksvilleShanor-NorthvueSharonSharon HillSharpsburgSharpsvilleShartlesvilleShavertownShawnee On DelawareSheffieldSheloctaShenandoahShepptonShermans DaleShickshinnyShillingtonShilohShinglehouseShippensburgShippenvilleShippingportShiremanstownShirleysburgShoemakersvilleShoholaShrewsburyShunkSidmanSigelSilver Spg TpSilverdaleSimpsonSinking SpringSinnamahoningSipesvilleSix Mile RunSkippackSkyline ViewSkytopSlate RunSlatedaleSlatingtonSlickvilleSligoSlippery RockSlovanSmethportSmicksburgSmithfieldSmithmillSmithtonSmockSmokerunSmoketownSnow ShoeSoleburySomersetSonestownSoudertonSouth Abingtn TwpSouth Abington TownshipSouth Abington TwpSouth ForkSouth GibsonSouth Heidelberg TwpSouth HeightsSouth HillsSouth MontroseSouth MountainSouth ParkSouth Park TownshipSouth Pymatuning TwpSouth RenovoSouth SterlingSouth WilliamsportSouthamptonSouthmontSouthviewSouthwestSpartansburgSpraggsSprankle MillsSpring Brook TownshipSpring ChurchSpring CitySpring CreekSpring GlenSpring GroveSpring HouseSpring MillsSpring MountSpring RidgeSpring RunSpringboroSpringdaleSpringfieldSpringsSpringtownSpringvilleSprng Brk TwpSproulSpruce CreekSprySquirrel HillSt BenedictSt DavidsSt MarysSt MichaelSt PetersSt PetersburgSt ThomasStahlstownStar JunctionStarfordStarlightStarruccaState CollegeState LineSteeltonSteelvilleSterlingStevensStevensvilleStewartstownStilesStillwaterStockdaleStockertownStockrtwn TwpStoneboroStony RunStouchsburgStoweStowe TownshipStoystownStrabaneStraffordStrasburgStrattanvilleStrausstownStrongstownStroudsburgStump CreekSturgeonSugar GroveSugar NotchSugar RunSugarloafSummerdaleSummerhillSummervilleSummitSummit HillSumneytownSunburySupleeSusquehannaSutersvilleSwarthmoreSwataraSwatara TownshipSwatara TwpSweet ValleySwiftwaterSwissvaleSwoyersvilleSycamoreSykesvilleTaftonTamaquaTamimentTannersvilleTarentumTarrsTatamyTatamy BoroughTaylorTaylorstownTelfordTempleTempletonTerre HillThomasvilleThompsonThompsontownThorndaleThornhurstThorntonThree SpringsThroopTidiouteTimblinTinicumTinicum TownshipTiogaTionaTionestaTire HillTitusvilleTobyhannaToddToptonToughkenamonTowandaTower CityTownship of JacksonTownvilleTraffordTrainerTransferTrappeTredyffrinTreichlersTremontTresckowTrevortonTrevoseTrexlertownTrooperTrout RunTroyTrucksvilleTrumbauersvilleTullytownTunkhannockTurbotvilleTurtle CreekTurtlepointTuscaroraTwin RocksTyler HillTyler Run-Queens GateTylersburgTyroneUlediUlsterUlyssesUnion CityUnion DaleUniontownUnionvilleUnityvilleUplandUpper Black EddyUpper ChichesterUpper DarbyUpper DublinUpper GwyneddUpper HollandUpper MakefieldUpper ProvidenceUpper Providence TownshipUpper Saint ClairUpper St ClairUpperstrasburgUppr Blck EdyUticaUwchlandValenciaValierValley ForgeValley GreenValley TownshipValley TwpValley ViewVan VoorhisVanderbiltVandergriftVandlingVanportVenangoVenetiaVenusVeronaVersaillesVestaburgVillanovaVintondaleVirginvilleVolantVowinckelW AlexanderW BrownsvilleW CnshohockenW HazletonW LeechburgW ManchesterWabashWallWallacetonWallingfordWalnut BottomWalnutportWalstonWaltersburgWampumWapwallopenWarfordsburgWarminsterWarrenWarren CenterWarrendaleWarringtonWarrior RunWarriors MarkWarwickWashingtonWashington BoroWashington CrossingWashington XingWaterfallWaterfordWatermanWatervilleWatsontownWattsburgWaverlyWaverly TownshipWaverly TwpWaymartWayneWaynesboroWaynesburgWeatherlyWebsterWeedvilleWeissportWellersburgWells TanneryWellsboroWellsvilleWernersvilleWescosvilleWesleyvilleWest Abington TownshipWest AlexanderWest AliquippaWest BradfordWest BrandywineWest BridgewaterWest BristolWest ChesterWest DecaturWest EastonWest ElizabethWest EndWest FairviewWest FinleyWest GoshenWest GroveWest HanoverWest HazletonWest HickoryWest HomesteadWest LawnWest LebanonWest LeechburgWest LeisenringWest Manchester TwpWest MiddlesexWest MiddletownWest MifflinWest MiltonWest NewtonWest NorritonWest PennsboroWest PittsburgWest PittstonWest PointWest ReadingWest SalisburyWest SpringfieldWest SunburyWest ViewWest WyomingWest WyomissingWest YorkWestfieldWestlandWestlineWestmontWestmoreland CityWestonWestoverWestportWesttownWexfordWheatlandWhiteWhite DeerWhite HavenWhite MillsWhite OakWhitehallWhitfieldWhitneyWickhavenWiconiscoWilburtonWilcoxWilkes BarreWilkes Barre TownshipWilkins TownshipWilkinsburgWilliams TownshipWilliams TwpWilliamsburgWilliamsportWilliamstownWillow GroveWillow HillWillow StreetWilmerdingWilmoreWilsonWinburneWind GapWind RidgeWindberWindsorWinfieldWitmerWomelsdorfWoodWoodbourneWoodburyWoodlandWoodlynWoodsideWoodwardWorcesterWormleysburgWorthingtonWorthvilleWoxallWrightstownWrightsvilleWshngtn XingWyalusingWyanoWycombeWyncoteWyndmoorWynnewoodWyomingWyomissingWyomissing HillsWysoxYardleyYatesboroYatesvilleYeadonYeagertownYoeYorkYork HavenYork New SalemYork SpringsYorkanaYoungsvilleYoungwoodYukonZelienopleZerbeZieglervilleZion GroveZionsville

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